Search Results for "node/orientation and mobility"

255 Results for node/orientation and mobility

Leanne Grillot

Ms. Leanne Grillot is the National Director of Outreach Services for the American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.

Kassandra Maloney

I am the author of the book Yoga For Children with Visual and Multiple Impairments: Fun Movement Activities Inspired by Yoga.

Linda Mamer

I am a Teacher Consultant with the British Columbia Provincial Outreach Program for Students with Deafblindness (Canada).

Julia Vorobiev

Julia is a dual certified TVI/COMS at the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children. She is also a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA) and has mostly specialized in teaching students with multiple disabilities who present challenging behaviors, which she finds very rewarding.

Cheryl Kamei-Hannan

Cheryl Kamei-Hannan, Ph.D. is a Professor and researcher at California State University, Los Angeles. A leading expert in the field of visual impairment and blindness, her research agenda focuses on language, literacy, and access technology.