Search Results for "Calendars"

45 Results for Calendars

Hosting a Braille Holiday Party

Hosting a Braille Holiday Party: Invite family, friends, and members of the community to create braille cards for students with visual impairments, blindness, deafblindness or multiple disabilities.

Developing and Using First / Then Schedules

First / Then Schedules are a structured method of communicating about what is happening now and what is going to happen next. They can help to clarify expectations and to support an individual to anticipate what will happen next.

Six Ways to Wrap Up the School Year

I know what you’re thinking: “Summer is almost here, and the last thing I want do is think about next fall.”
I get it! However, it’s never too early to start planning for next year. Below are a few steps to take now to ease the back-to-school transition in the fall.

October Exhale

October Exhale is a term used by teachers when September is over and there is a sense of routine in the school day and more work can get done.

Compensatory Skills: A Focus on Organization

This entry is part 15 of 19 in the series Braille Brain

Organizational skills include maintaining a structure for ones possessions, including school and personal items), time management, and the ability to prioritize things on the to do list. They are a critical part of compensatory access for students with visual impairment.