Search Results for "yoga"

28 Results for yoga

Yoga Activities to Increase Literacy Skills

Yoga activities are a fun way to incorporate literacy skills for students who are blind, deafblind, visually impaired, Autistic, including those with multiple disabilities or other special needs.

Yoga Stories

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Yoga stories for Playing with Words

Yoga Stories and Activities include pretend stories and meditations, as well as asanas (body postures or poses), routines, and mantras (or rhythmic chants)

Kassandra Maloney

I am the author of the book Yoga For Children with Visual and Multiple Impairments: Fun Movement Activities Inspired by Yoga.

Co-Creating Imaginative Stories

Co-creating imaginative stories with students who have Autism Spectrum Disorder and Visual Impairment (ASDVI) can promote both writing skills and social interaction.

Row Boat Ride

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Yoga stories for Playing with Words

The purpose of the Row Boat Ride story is to introduce the emotion meter, which will later be used by the student and adult to identify and describe their own and others’ levels of emotion.