Search Results for "assessments"

88 Results for assessments

Learning center

Building Foundations Learning Center Explore our extensive learning resources Browse and filter through all our learning resources covering all areas of literacy from a basic overview of literacy to various stages of development and special challenges, as well as an exploration of different media (print, braille, auditory strategies).

October Exhale

October Exhale is a term used by teachers when September is over and there is a sense of routine in the school day and more work can get done.

Nemeth Braille Code Curriculum

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Nemeth Curriculum

This collection of Nemeth materials is designed for students from pre-kindertgarten to college. It includes a detailed Pre-K to Second Grade curriculum, focused lessons for students of all ages, and a Nemeth symbol library.

Back To School In 2022

As we prepare for the new school year, here are some helpful tips, tricks, ideas, forms, and links that will help make your school year a big success.

Overview of Learning Media Assessment

Overview of Learning Media Assessment, which is designed to help determine the best access to literacy for a student who is blind or visually impaired