Updated 2023:
As a 25 year teacher, I recently started a new TVI itinerant caseload in 12 buildings, three school districts, and with students from K to 11th grade. I reread this article and thought, it is never boring in my job, it is always rewarding, and I am always losing things no matter how organized I try to be. My car is a mess at the end of the day, my bag of stuff needs to be rearranged, and I am now charging 2 laptops, an iPad, a Wi-Fi hotspot, and my phone every evening to be able to do my job each day. All three districts have different IEP systems and logins for many apps that are now requiring 2 system authentications. This just makes getting to the “paperwork” even harder.
I joke with another teacher, “No one is going to save you.” This is a phrase we heard opening week at in-service. People will help but only you can jump in and do it. Once the plunge has taken place you realize, I really like what I am doing.
The best part of this job is the actual teaching so hopefully the October Exhale has begun for you as well. Have fun, stay organized, and giggle with your students!
Back to school is a very busy time with new caseloads, students, schools, and colleagues. As we slowly fall into a routine, now is the time to really hit our stride with teaching content, making great progress on IEP (Individualized Educational Program) goals, and conducting assessments.
Student’s Schedules
Take a look and evaluate how the student is doing with their current schedule as an IEP team. Is it working? Is the student being successful with their current work load?
Sometimes we find that afternoons can be a hard time for learning new content or doing tasks that require maximum focus. The team may also now realize that the student needs more or less adaptations and support. These reviews should all be ongoing throughout the school year but this time of the year is most important to set up optimal success.
Is the student understanding their school schedule? Students need to understand the routine of each school day so they can anticipate the day ahead.
Creating a Daily Calendar
Microsite for calendar ideas and tips that include braille, tactile, and calendar boxes.

APH (American Printing House for the Blind) has classroom calendars and calendar boxes for daily schedules.
Educator’s Schedules
Itinerant teachers and therapists have really challenging schedules, especially if they are in multiple schools. October is a perfect time to reassess and assure they are realistic working schedules.
The article, On the Path to Being an Itinerant with Several School Districts, gives concrete ideas on how to stay organized and on top of student and teacher schedules when in several school districts.
Year at a Glance from Teaching Students with Visual Impairments gives guidelines and forms that can be helpful as well.
Getting to know new students can be a challenge if you don’t see your students daily. Making sure the IEP is understood, talking to the parents and former teachers, and creating new relationships with the current IEP team are all important factors.
Each time you meet with your student, you are assessing. Along with creating data for IEP goals, you must also assess how the student is learning, if the adaptations are in place, and are other staff members following the IEP?
Paths to Literacy has many resources to help with the assessment process.
APH has designed different assessments to help in the process.
Data Collection
“Show me the data” is a common response from the IEP when requesting more time with a student or when making new recommendations. Data collection is essential documentation for the work taking place.
Data Sheets for Tracking IEP Goals
Automated Google Sheet Braille Checklist
Check Please? Guidelines for Documentation of Student Work

Falling into a work rhythm creates less stress for us all. As teachers, staff, and students have this sense of schedule and routine, the real work of learning can take place. This is valuable time so make the most of it.