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Activity and strategy

Secret Code Braille

Promote braille literacy with this Secret Code Braille activity!

Most students I know love when they can learn through games. Most of my students also love music. Secret Code Braille is a game that incorporates both of those things to make for a fun and exciting braille lesson. 


  • Flash cards or a sheet of braille letter/word/number combinations
    • I am working on letter identification with my student so the codes are of different letters. I usually do 3-5 letters at a time. We also do this activity with numbers.  Your codes can be simple 2 letter codes or more letters and even a combination of words depending on your student’s level.  It can be easily adapted to any level of student. 
  • Music
    • I have a playlist loaded on my phone of popular kids songs that I use. Be sure that whatever you use has a very easy way to pause and play the music.  A favorite song of the students is very motivating.  (My student is currently into the Moana movie soundtrack). 


  • Have the song ready to play on your music device. 
  • For every secret code on the flash card or sheet of braille the student reads correctly, play 10-15 seconds of the song. The secret code unlocks the music. 
  • At the end have your student unlock a “special secret code” to unlock the whole song.  I usually tie in the skills we’ve been working on into the special secret code. 
  • Dance to the music and enjoy your success! 

How can I use this in my lesson?

  • Guided Practice:  Read the secret codes along with your student, pointing out the specific skills you are working on. Enjoy the music together. You worked as a team to break the code!
  • Independent practice:  Have the student read the codes independently, using their newly learned skills to break the code and earn the song. 
  • Formative Assessment:  To leave the braille room, or end the lesson, the student must read a secret code. 
Collage of secret braille code
United State flag

United States Flag Braille Art Design


Ideas for Teaching Tracking and other Tactile Skills

Alphabox showing an apple in the position of dot 1 in a braille cell
Activity and strategy
