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Standards for Braille Readers and Students with Visual Impairment

An brief overview of standards for braille readers and students with visual impairment

All students, regardless of their ability to read print, should have access to state or national standards. English Language Arts and Math materials should be made available in whatever the prefered format or medium is for each student, whether that be braille, large print, or auditorily, as through the use of a screen reader. Students who are blind or visually impaired use “compensatory skills” to gain access to the core curriculum.  This means that they should make use of strategies, techniques, and adapted materials, including the specific reading and writing methods of braille, regular print, regular print with optical devices, large print, voice output technology, and other symbols. 

Hands reading a biology textbook

Braille Standards

The following states have developed standards or frameworks specifically for braille readers or students with visual impairments:

Red glitter liquid in a bottle

Sensory Shake-Up

textured craft of eclipse with a sun and a moon that can cover the sun
Activity and strategy

The Incredible Edible Eclipse

Four completed computer bugs

Computer Bugs