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Object Books

Object books are made using real objects, taken from the child's daily activities and experiences to promote literacy for young children blind, visually impaired, deafblind, or multiply disabled

What are Object Books?

Object book with shampoo bottles.Object books are similar to Language Experience Books, but may be more general than one specific experience. They can be used to explore routines (bath time, meal time, gym class), teach counting, or to reinforce concepts, such as big/little, short/tall, rough/smooth.

As the name suggests, object books are made using real objects, which should be taken from the student’s daily activities and experiences. Whenever possible, students should be included in the creation of the object book.  It is important to begin with the part of an object which is most salient to a child and which represents her experience.  For example, when choosing an object to represent the playground, a small piece of wood chips that the student touches on the ground may better represent the experience than a miniature plastic swing.

An example of a book about routines

Picture of object book with two bars of soap.

This type of book can help children to anticipate the steps in a routine, as well as to review the parts of the routine later.

Picture of object book with soil in baggy

Object Book about an Activity

In this object book a student helped to place soil in a Ziploc baggie to describe the steps involved in planting a plant. This type of approach can be used to tell about something after it happened, as well as to prompt others or to serve as a reminder when doing the same activity.

For more information on making Object Books, see:

Making Object Books
MaryAnn Demchak, Nevada Dual Sensory Impairment Project: Tips for Home or School, October 2008

All photos courtesy of MaryAnn Demchak

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