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Career Education is January’s ECC Focus Challenge

The next ECC Challenge for the month of January is Career Education. Join in the challenge while covering this next expanded core curriculum area to achieve student goals.

Street sign that says Career get started now

Career Education focuses on the development of knowledge, the refinement of innate talents, and the promotion of skills needed for success in employment. This includes exploring different careers, internship or job experiences, and informational interviews. It focuses on components of activities and behaviors and skills needed to prepare students for all the roles they will play throughout their lives, including the maintenance of economic independence in adult life. (ECC Essentials, Chapter 11)

I can research a career of interest and evaluate the skills I have or need to achieve in order to work in this field.

Know. Understand. Do.

A framework to guide learning activities

Know (K): Tends to be binary. Either you know it or you don’t. Examples: Facts & Dates, Definitions, People & Places

Understand (U): Is a continuum; from novice to advanced. Examples: Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Generalizations.

Also available in Spanish


To submit for the monthly ECC Challenge

Complete this month’s ECC Challenge Worksheet, noting which activities were completed.
Submit this worksheet to the MSB Outreach ECC Challenge Form.

Find the link on the TVI Portal, Eyes on Maryland Newsletter and the MSB website.
The student and teacher will be entered into this month’s raffle!

ECC at home Challenge for January

Learn more about the monthly challenges

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