
Font Family: Open Sans

H1 – Page Title (60px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail.

H1 – Page Title Mobile (42px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail.

H2 (50px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork.

H2 – Mobile (40px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail.

H3 (40px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

H4 (30px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

H5 (26px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

H6 (22px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

H1, Underline Style

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

Microheadline with Underline

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

Indented Microheadline

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf.

Paragraph (16px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail, tenderloin pork chop meatloaf. Landjaeger cupim drumstick ham hock ground round picanha andouille alcatra short loin chicken fatback salami pork pork belly kevin. Prosciutto meatball jowl pork chop salami doner fatback andouille boudin chicken short ribs beef spare ribs tongue kielbasa. Beef ribs ground round beef meatball, ham bresaola t-bone.

Unordered List (16px)

  • Nam aliquet sed leo at tempus finibus dui eget ornare auctor
  • Mauris scelerisque imperdiet turpis in luctus metus tristique a
  • Morbi porttitor dictum est, et blandit mi. Etiam quis lacus commodo, semper ligula nec.

Block Quote (26px)

Block quote aliquet sed leo at tempus finibus dui eget ornare auctor mauris scelerisque imperdiet turpis in luctus metus tristique aorbi et blandit mi.”


Paragraph – Large (20px)

Bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo rump ground round tail.

Indented Microheadline (16px) – Issue here, not seeing how to indent micro headline.


Headline with colored line

Can be used on any size headline (h1-h6). Yellow line should always be 40 px below baseline of headline text.

Text/line can be left aligned OR centered on the page.

Text needs to have ability to be dark OR light for all options h1-h6 (see below)

H2 with colored line (left aligned, dark)

Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor

H4 Example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit nulla quis lorem
ut libero malesuada feugiat.

Centered Examples:

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit nulla quis lorem
ut libero malesuada feugiat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit nulla quis lorem
ut libero malesuada feugiat.

Checklist – checkmarks (16px)

  • Time and task management along with organization skills
  • Writing professional emails
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avecdo consetuir doc tec

Checklist – circle checkmarks (16px)

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit
  • Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit

Checklist – large circle checkmarks (20px)

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit
  • Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit