This activity uses braille cards to match to objects with the objective of reinforcing initial letter sounds, braille contractions, and numbers.
- Set of drawers (from Hobbycraft, the Range, or any other home base store)
- Printed sticky labels with letters/braille contractions and numbers for each drawer
- Objects to fit in each box
- Card labels to match the object to the label in braille/print
- Label each drawer with an initial letter sound or braille contraction.
- Turn the box around and label the other end with a number.
- Find objects with each of the phonic or initial letter sounds and add to each drawer.
- Make card labels with print/braille.
Child can:
- Place correct objects in each associated drawer to match initial letter or phonic.
- Place correct number of objects in each associated drawer if turned around to use as a set of number drawers.
- Find objects from around their environment to fill the drawers.
- Sort objects from a large sorting box of objects and place accordingly in the correct drawer.
- Match word cards to appropriate object.
There are more ideas for resources at