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Math Videos and Associated Documents from TSBVI

This collection of math videos and documents from the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired is designed to support teachers of students with visual impairments. Topics include the abacus, calculators, low tech math tools, and Nemeth Code, as well as math concepts.

Susan Osterhaus

By Susan Osterhaus


Teaching Mathematics to students who are blind or visually impaired is imperative, as with all students. These students are fully capable of succeeding in advanced mathematics with the right materials, tools, and technology. These materials include the Nemeth Code and excellent tactile graphics. Tools and technology include everything from low tech to high tech. A collection of videos shares information on many of these topics.



 Math Teacher Survival Guide: Teaching math to a student with visual impairment




Low Tech Math Tools

Nemeth Code

Math Concepts

 Multiplication of Polynomials

 Parallel Lines

 Perpendicular Lines

 Skew Lines


Math Teacher Survival Guide: Teaching math to a student with visual impairment

Original webcast date: 10/3/2017
Description: This webinar will help general ed math teachers to understand how the TVI can help them with their VI student (and others). The presenters will share tips, specialized tools and equipment that are available to help math teachers be ready to improvise in the moment to support their students.

Screenshot of Math Teacher Survival Guide


Play By Chapter:

  1. Math Teacher & TVI Collaboration  20:57
  2. Elementary Tips  09:00
  3. Secondary Tips  15:19
  4. Algebra Aerobics  05:28
  5. The Pool Noodle  07:59

 Register to receive ACVREP or SBEC credit.

Downloads:Transcript (txt)Audio (mp3)Handout (docx)


APH Cranmer Abacus: Prime Factorization

Published on Feb 16, 2010

Susan Osterhaus, Math Consultant for the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired’s Outreach Programs, introduces prime factorization on the APH Cranmer abacus.

See Susan’s article on Prime Factorization on the Abacus at:

See also Sara Larkin’s videos on the abacus.


Orion TI-84 Plus

Orion TI-84+ Talking Graphing Calculator Resources (Word document)

This document written by Susan Osterhaus outlines all the current resources for the Orion TI84+ found on this webpage in a single Word document.

TSBVI Coffee Hour: Using the Orion TI-84+ Talking Graphing Calculator

Learn about the Orion TI-84 Plus talking graphing calculator and its benefits for students with visual impairments. Explore features, including interactions using audio, speech, and haptic feedback. Discover the Orbit Research website and how to order new calculators, submit old ones for repair, replace lost accessories, and benefit from support and resources.

A Quick Introduction to the Orion TI-84+ (Word document)

This document written by Susan Osterhaus describes what comes in the box, gives a general orientation to and working with the TI-84+ portion, a general orientation to and working with the Orion portion, a few other important things to know, and resources for learning more about this calculator.

Using the Orion TI-84 Plus in the Classroom – An Introduction

Margaret Edwards teaches the keyboard basics for both the TI-84 Plus portion of the calculator and the Orion (or talking) portion of the calculator and then teaches some basic math calculation concepts to students in the classroom using the Orion TI-84 Plus.

The TI-84 Portion of the Calculator

The Orion (Talking) Portion of the Calculator

Orion TI-84 Plus Tutorials on Using the Graphing Portion

Susan Osterhaus gives step-by-step instructions on using the Graphing Portion of the Orion TI-84 Plus calculator.

The following Word documents are the scripts for the above videos.

Using the Orion TI-84 Plus in the Classroom

Susan Osterhaus teaches the Graphing Simple Functions Algebra 1 concepts from the above tutorial to students in the classroom using the Orion TI-84 Plus. Everything works perfectly during the tutorial. In the classroom, students encounter certain difficulties and learn to problem solve.

Other Videos on the Orion TI-84+ and/or the TI-84+

Orion TI-36X Talking Scientific Calculator 

Published on February 11, 2010

Susan Osterhaus, Math Consultant for Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Programs, presents and explains how to use the various included accessories for the Orion TI-36X Talking Scientific Calculator (charger, earphone, manuals). 

Low Tech Math Tools


Published on Aug 1, 2012

Susan Osterhaus demonstrates the use of various types of compasses on several types of drawing boards.

Compass Use with a Clipboard

Compass Use with a Sewell Raised Line Drawing Board

Compass Use with the APH Draftsman

Compass Use with less expensive and alternative drawing boards and tools

Graph Board (APH Graphic Aid for Mathematics)

Published on Feb 4, 2010

Susan Osterhaus describes the APH Graphic Aid for Mathematics and demonstrates how it can be used for graphing algebraic and geometric concepts.                                    

Protractors (APH Braille Print Protractor)

Published on Feb 10, 2010

Susan Osterhaus describes the APH Braille Print Protractor and how it can be used to draw and measure angles.

Math Stencils

Published on Aug 2, 2012

Susan Osterhaus demonstrates the use of math stencils to draw geometric figures on various drawing boards.

Nets and Platonic Solids

Published on Aug 2, 2012 – Susan Osterhaus demonstrates how to create nets of and build platonic solids. Each of these nets is a pattern that you can form and fold into one of the three-dimensional platonic solids: tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

Nemeth Code

Publications and Reference Sheets

Published on Aug 2, 2012

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Math Consultant Susan Osterhaus shares information about publications and reference sheets for the Nemeth code. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Nemeth Code

Published in February 2014

  • Part 1 – In Video 1 of this informational series, Susan Osterhaus addresses the question of when children should start learning the Nemeth code and directs individuals to an early childhood resource. (1:09)
  • Part 2 – In Video 2 of this informational series, Susan Osterhaus presents resources for learning the Nemeth code and producing materials in the Nemeth code. The majority of the specific resources mentioned are available both in print and in Braille on federal quota money or are free and available for downloading. (4:47)
  • Part 3 – In Video 3 of this informational series, Susan Osterhaus shares three common mistakes learners make when using the Nemeth code. (0:59)
  • Part 4 – In video 4 of this informational series, Susan Osterhaus provides background information on Dr. Abraham Nemeth, the creator of the Nemeth code. (1:50)

Math Concepts

Multiplication of Polynomials

Description: A video for regular education teachers that demonstrates teaching
the multiplication of polynomials to a student who is blind or visually impaired; strategies, tools, and materials.

Sample video created for International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI).

Multiplication of Polynomials title slide


Downloads:Transcript (txt)Audio (mp3)

Parallel Lines

Description: A video for regular education teachers that demonstrates teaching parallel lines to a student who is blind or visually impaired; strategies, tools, and materials.

Sample video created for International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI).

parallel lines title slide


Downloads:Transcript (txt)Audio (mp3)

Perpendicular Lines

Description: A video for regular education teachers that demonstrates teaching perpendicular lines to a student who is blind or visually impaired; strategies, tools, and materials.

Sample video created for International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI).

Title slide of Perpendicular Lines


Downloads:Transcript (txt)Audio (mp3)

Skew Lines

Description: A video for regular education teachers that demonstrates teaching skew lines to a student who is blind or visually impaired; strategies, tools, and materials.

Sample video created for International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI).

Title slide of Skew Lines


Downloads:Transcript (txt)Audio (mp3)
Collage of math videos from TSBVI
Tips and guides

Transformations, Line Symmetry, and Tessellations

APH Braille Ruler
Tips and guides

Linear Measure, Perimeter, and Area

Geometric construction
Tips and guides

Geometric Constructions