
Communication and Congenital Deafblindness

Communication and Congenital Deafblindness is a series of four booklets that are written to support and inspire individuals and teams that work with people who are deafblind.

Communication & Congenital Deafblindness by Inger Rodbroe and Marleen Janssen is a series of four booklets that are written to support and inspire individuals and teams that work with people who are deafblind. A companion DVD is included with each booklet to illustrate major concepts. The booklets are based on the work of Deafblind International’s Communication Network.

The four booklets are:

  1. Congenital Deafblindness and the Core Principles of Intervention
  2. Contact and Social Interaction
  3. Meaning Making
  4. Transition to Cultural Language

A 12-page excerpt is available to download for free: Congenital deafblindness: a unique disability.  It includes the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • The personal and developmental consequences
  • How can we actually assess the characteristic features of deafblindness?
  • What are the prerequisites for development and learning?
    • The acceptance and responsibility of society to acknowledge deafblindness as a unique disability and to establish relevant services
    • The knowledge of ­professionals on processes of development and learning
    • The knowledge of professionals on deafblindness
    • The knowledge of professionals/ families on individual assessment and intervention
    • The competency of the partners
    • Conditions of a learning environment

First page of article on Congenital Deafblindness

The books are available for purchase through Amazon.

Collage of Communication and Congenital Deafblindness