The Purpose
The National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) is working with Vision for Independence, LLC to conduct interviews and focus groups to better understand the current level of accessibility of digital instructional materials in K-12, the experiences of students who are visually impaired or print disabled when using these materials, and the challenges involved in making materials accessible to all students.
Participant Criteria
Individuals from the six groups below will be selected to take part in a 1:1 interview or focus group. All activities will occur online using Zoom. Groups will be comprised of individuals from the United States or its territories:
Individuals at K-12 publishers and educational technology companies that supply digital instructional materials and are knowledgeable about accessibility issues
Procurement personnel from school districts, state departments of education, or schools for the blind
Braillists/transcribers who prepare braille versions of K-12 instructional materials
Ex Officio Trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind
Teachers of students with visual impairments
Special education teachers who work with either students with print disabilities or students with physical disabilities who require instructional materials in an alternative format
How to Participate
Complete the consent form and brief demographic survey found here.
What Will Occur
Individuals selected for an interview will meet with a researcher for approximately 1 hour via Zoom.
Individuals who are invited to join a focus group will meet with researchers and a small group of individuals in the same role as themselves. Focus group meetings will run approximately 90 minutes and occur on Zoom.
What You Will Receive if You Participate
Each person interviewed or who participates in a focus group will receive a $25 Amazon or Target gift card.
The Researchers
Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum and Dr. Kathryn D. Botsford, are conducting the research study.
Who to Contact:
This research was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the American Foundation for the Blind.