Vision After Hemispherectomy, TPO Disconnection, and Occipital Lobectomy is a 27-page introductory guide by Linda Lawrence, Monika Jones, and Audrey Vernick.
The introduction states:
Removing or disconnecting the occipital lobe, which occurs as part of hemispherectomy, temporo-parietal-occipital disconnection (commonly known as TPO disconnection), and occipital lobectomy, can have a profound impact on a child’s ability to see the world. For example, homonymous hemianopia, a type of cortical vision impairment, is an unavoidable and permanent side effect of these procedures. It can affect daily function at home, in the classroom, as well as other natural environments, and can have a serious effect on the child’s ability to read. This field loss, as well as problems with oculomotor control, visual processing, and other difficulties which may arise after surgery, must be understood by anyone who interacts with a child after these procedures.
This guide summarizes the various visual impairments a child will have after hemispherectomy, TPO disconnection, and occipital lobectomy, and how they can affect a child’s daily living, functional mobility, and access to the educational curriculum in school.
Table of Contents
What Is Vision?
How the Typical Brain Sees
How Vision Is Affected by Surgery
Eye Coordination
Eye control and reading
Strabismus or “eye turning”
Field of Vision
The central field
The parafoveal field
The peripheral field
Homonymous hemianopsia
Navigating the world
Reading with homonymous hemianopsia
Accommodations, modifications, and helpful strategies
Compensatory strategies
Color Vision
Visual Processing and Perception
The dorsal and ventral streams
Vision Evaluations
Medical evaluations
School evaluations
Functional vision assessment
Learning media assessment (LMA)
Orientation and mobility assessment
Assistive technology assessment
Helpful Products and Resources
Books, Websites, and Guides
Professional Organizations