
Webinar: Accessible Books and Literacy

This recorded free webinar provides an introduction to creating accessible books for children who are blind, visually impaired or deafblind, presented by Paths to Literacy blogger, Sandy Kenrick.

This recorded free webinar provides an introduction to creating accessible books for children who are blind, visually impaired or deafblind, presented by Paths to Literacy blogger, Sandy Kenrick.  In addition to being a training elementary school teacher, Sandy is also the mother of a first grader who is deafblind and another boy with typical vision and hearing who is 3-years-old.

After viewing the presentation, the viewer will be able to:

  •     Define and give examples of experience books, story boxes, conversation boxes, and concept books.
  •     Understand how to adapt a classroom reader and science books.
  •     Recognize the importance of creating a Braille-rich environment.
  •     Identify creative ways to ‘get help’ in creating tactile books.