Cynthia Dils

Cynthia Dils

Cynthia Dils has been a Teacher of the Visually Impaired for 13 years and is currently working on her masters in Visual Disabilities at Florida State University. She enjoys teaching students braille literacy and the arts as a leisure skill. Cynthia’s first student had (and still has) an affinity for creating art as a way to relax and express themselves when they lost their vision. Since then, whether it is tactual or auditory, art has been a critical component of Cynthia’s teaching and is incorporated weekly into “Fun Fridays,” in her Resource Room. She is a believer that every student deserves the opportunity to learn to express themselves through creativity. When she is not teaching, Cynthia is tackling the daunting task of creating a tactile map of the Star Wars Universe (SWU) as well as designing a compendium of braille drawings of all things Star Wars to bring the SWU to that first student as well as others who enjoy the sci-fi franchise.
