This post is the first in a series of lessons on teaching students who are braille readers to make the transition to UEB. All lessons are by Catherine Summ and Suzanne Cappiello, who both work as Education Consultants for the Department of Rehabilitative Services (DORS-BESB) in CT. See the full UEB Curriculum with all lessons.
The student will be able to identify the five part-word EBAE (English Braille American Edition) contractions below that are not used in UEB (Unified English Braille).
ble ation ally dd com
For an explanation of the changes refer to the handout “Overview of Changes from Current Literary Braille to Unified English Braille” authored by Braille Authority of North America (BANA), March 2013, Refer to the UEB manual for a full explanation of the braille code.
The word list below contain words that formerly used the above contractions. Braille the following list using UEB.
Words containing ble:
stumbled assembled bubble fable trouble double stubble terrible table problems marble tumbler emblem Bible bubble unblemished cabled emblem babbled crumbled disabled double dribbled emblem embraceable enabled ensemble gambler garbled giblet gobbled gobbler gobbledygook goblet hobbled impressionable accessible comparable separable replaceable jumbled likeable quibbled scribbled
Words containing ation:
Station application population obligation administration recreation abbreviation nation vacation conversation circulation preparation donation declaration education compensation confederation cooperation coordination creation dedication denomination denunciation derivation enunciation experimentation fermentation foundation imagination ornamentation participation pigmentation preparation formation restoration separation
Words containing ally:
really Sally tally Wally equally usually visually actually dismally ideally mutually nationality emotionally abnormally aerobically altruistically aesthetically analytically architecturally bilaterally annually biologically clinically conceptually congressionally dally gradually grammatically horizontally impartially legally manually monumentally originally verbally
Words containing dd:
Riddle daddy ladder saddle middle paddle added padded hidden addict suddenly buddy oddly address addendum addition giddy gladdened goddess griddle hidden muddled oddity odds puddle riddance rudder sadden haddock shoddy shudder straddle swaddle thudding toddler trodden wadded Yiddish
Words containing com:
Compensation comb comfortably commendable commandeers comediennes combustion commentated commiserate commonality commissions communities compactible companioned compactions compactness comparative competitive compilation complainant complacency complain complement complex complicated computation complication commemorate composite comprehend composition compressing compulsion computerize
Additional Activities: Writing Practice
Dictate sentences for student to write using the words above for practice. Add your own.
- The students complain and grumble because they did not complete their task.
- The teacher asked the students to write their addresses so that she could make additions to her files.
- Sally thought the end of the movie was simply unbelievable.
- The foundation made preparations for the national event.
- Wally finalized the plans for the reception that was suddenly thrust upon him.
- We need to compile observable data to support our complaints.
- Later this evening we should ideally clean the new saddles in the stables.
- Originally Sally agreed to double up on her complex courses to actually graduate early.
- The chef made the most unusually tasty and palatable dishes.
- The addendum describes a mutually advantageous relationship between the two parties.
Teacher dictates 4 words from each part-word contraction category listed. Teacher compiles a spreadsheet for each student to document progress and compile data.
Fun Educational Activities and Games:
Provide the student with 20 index cards and a brailler or slate and stylus. Have the student choose 4 words from each part-word category and have them braille those words on the index cards. When completed the cards are placed in a pile, face down.
Make a Tic-Tac-Toe board with Wikki Stix or as a non-consumable raised line drawing sheet/template.
- The first person draws a card from the pile and reads it. He/she explains the new UEB rule of the contraction. If correct the student places a tactile marker on the Tic-Tac-Toe board. If incorrect, the card goes into the discard pile and the next player takes their turn.
- Words are drawn until a player covers 3 spaces in a row.
Braille Contraction Battleship:
Provide the student with 20-30 index cards and a brailler or slate and stylus. Have the student choose 5 words from each part-word category above and have them braille those words on the index cards for a total of 25 cards.
Provide students with raised line graph paper. Instruct students to braille the letters A-F horizontally across the top row of the graph paper. Place the numbers 1-10 vertically from top to bottom on the left side margin of the graph paper. Students can make their own battleships (5 pieces) using tactile objects that take up two spaces and place them on their own grids.
- The first person draws a card from the pile and reads it. He/she explains the new UEB rule of the contraction. If correct the student calls out a location naming the letter and number. If the partner tells you you’ve “struck” a letter, then mark that location on your grid with a different tactile marking to show a “hit.” If the call was a “miss” then place a penny or other similar size object to denote the “miss.”
- The first player to sink all their opponent’s fleet of 5 ships wins the game.
Click here to download the Duxbury file of the word list (Courtesy of Karen Carl).