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Activity and strategy

Literary Numbers Activity

This hands-on activity is designed to help students practice reading literary braille numerals and counting the corresponding number of items.

I came up with this activity to help my student learn numbers in literary braille, using a format similar to what the other children in the classroom are doing.


  • Cardboard or card stock
  • Graphic art tape
  • Velcro
  • Blank Cards (APH 1-03540-00)
  • Counters


  1. Create cards with literary braille numbers.
  2. For younger students, place tactile lines between numbers.
  3. Place counters in a bowl or shallow container (in this case foam squares, although any type of counter can be used).

Ask the student to read the braille number on the card and place the corresponding number of counters on the line to the right of the card.


  • Literary number matched with number word
  • Nemeth number matched with number word
  • Simple math sentence matched to the number shown (help to reinforce learning the Nemeth symbols)
Practice with Literary Braille Numbers

Activity and strategy

Ideas for Teaching Tracking and other Tactile Skills

Alphabox showing an apple in the position of dot 1 in a braille cell
Activity and strategy


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