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Charlotte’s Web Extension Activity

This lesson was created with a deafblind student in mind as an extension activity while reading Charlotte's Web.

Completed activity of a round wood piece with a plastic spider, nails, holding a string web

Charlotte’s Web is a classic book read in many classrooms each year. There are resources to getting this book in braille for free. Seedlings braille books for children and The Braille Superstore are also available for purchase.


  • Wooden slab
  • Hammer
  • 12-15 nails
  • Indian string (for the sticky feel, if you need to, you can substitute to a regular one)
  • Halloween spider and fly decorations
  • Paper 
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Braille typewriter
Plastic spiders, one large and a few small ones.

1.  While reading, Charlotte (spider), made a spider web 

  • Hammer the nails into the predrilled holes on a wooden slab.
  • Begin by wrapping the Indian or waxy string around the nails. Start by attaching one nail to the nail directly opposite. Next, connect to the adjacent nail and continue this pattern. Once you have created an asterisk-like shape, proceed to make a spiral that moves from the outside toward the center, similar to how a spider weaves its web!
  • Note: Make sure you spin the string around at least two times on each nail 

2. When reading about Charlotte’s diet

  • Talk about how spiders trap their prey by spinning them. Until the prey are fully numb, its ready to eat!
  • Wrap up the fly decoration with the Indian string and tie it onto one of the line in the web already made

3. While reading, Charlotte made her first word for Wilbur, “SOME PIG” 

  • Type up the words, “Some Pig” on a sheet of paper
  • Cut out the words into a strip, but leave enough room on both sides
  • Then hole punch on each side of the words
  • Place it on two nails that fits the length of that strip of paper where the holes are
Braille labels that say; Some pig, Radiant, humble, Terrific

4. Repeat step #3 with other words Charlotte made as you read them

  • “Radiant”
  • “Humble”
  • “Terrific”
Completed activity with a circle wood base, a plastic spider, a baby spider, a braille label, and nails to hold the string web in place.

Read More: Books for Beginning Readers

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