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Activity and strategy

Fish Braille File Folder Game

These electronic file folder games are designed to give dual media learners practice learning dot configurations for corresponding braille words.

I have been making electronic file folders for my dual learning media students since we are doing e-learning.  Teachers can save a copy of this Google doc into their drive, and can then share this with their dual media learners. The students can move the “pieces” on the iPad (works better), but they can also access it on the computer. When they are finished the student can hit print, which turns the work into a pdf to email back to the teacher to show their finished work and for it to be graded. 

Directions for teacher:

  • Open the view only document on Google Drive.
  • Go into menu and select make a copy to your personal drive.
  • After making a copy save it into your own drive with a label that you choose.
  • Change your copy of the presentation to “can edit”.
  • Share this “presentation” with your specific student.


Directions for student:

  • Your student will open the link onto their device (iPad is better).
  • The student will then select the puzzle pieces above the slide (where all the pieces are stored).
  • The student will then drag and move the pieces to the corresponding contraction.
  • If the student is doing the lesson independently you can tell them to “print” the image when they are finished, which will send a pdf copy of the slid to their download button for them to email to their instructor.


During instruction:

I will have my students on a zoom conference call and then we will both pull up the activity together on each of our individual devices. By doing it this way my students can hear me provide verbal feedback while they are completing the task and I can also see them move the pieces (due to Google programing).

Answer Key for file fish game

Additional Electronic File Folder Games: 

Dippin Dots Folder Game

Dipping Dots

Pizza File Folder Game
Pizza slices with pepperoni

As with my other file folder games, the goal is for dual media learners to match print words to the dot numbers of the word in braille.

Object card ring with a tangible cup and spoon on one for eating representation.

Reference Objects for Students with Multiple Disabilities and Visual Impairments

Activity and strategy

Tactile Signage Activity for Dual Media Student

Activity and strategy

Louis Braille Timeline Game