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The Lighthouse of All Time – Library

This activity uses items from American Printing House (APH) to teach metaphors to students who are visually impaired.

This sample series of lessons demonstrates how APH Materials can be used to teach metaphors.

Goals: Days 1-6
The student will:
  1. Demonstrate reading skills by reading out loud the appropriate reading-level story card.
  2. Show comprehension of the story as he tells or summarizes the story out loud with the use of the light box and associated story demonstration materials.
  3. Use Tactile Town and demonstrate the design of the story using Tactile Town people and items. 
  4. Understand the value of literature from years ago and compare novels from the past to the present.
  5. Learn how to prepare for a date requiring two different events while using their braille planner or an electronic date keeper. 
  6. See the value in meal preparation for different life events.
  7. Understand metaphors such as the one used for the title. 

braille datebook






lite boxActivities: Days 1-6

  1. The student will read aloud the story from the story box and answer comprehension questions like, “Why was Sammy included with the other children when they took a trip to the library?”
  2. Using the light box and story pieces from students will recall main ideas and details from the story cards. 
  3. Encourage students to research books by famous authors throughout time.
  4. Students will do an engine search on the internet while searching for famous poets such as: Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and others.
  5. Ask students to create their own lighthouse using modeling clay or Styrofoam.
  6. The teens will write down the meaning behind a metaphor and create a list of at least ten different metaphors. 


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metaphors collage


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