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New Posters and Nemeth Reference Sheets

These posters and nemeth reference sheets were created to help TVIs, support staff, IEP team members, and for exposure with our sighted peers that can be shared by all for free.

Nemeth Reference Sheets

I have been making these Nemeth reference sheets for myself and my vision para when typing elementary-lower middle school grade math problems. I thought I would share as others might find them helpful to print or share with parents and teachers.


Below are informational posters on Canva to hang around the school. They both have QR codes to direct people to sites with more information. The first poster introduces braille and the other shows different types of cane tips.


Ideas for Teaching Tracking and other Tactile Skills

Two students using long canes to travel on sidewalk
Tips and guides

Environmental Checklist for Developing Independence

Page of experience book about popcorn
Tips and guides

Experience Stories for Functionally Blind Pre-Readers