Perkins School for the Blind has tackled the challenges in preparing students across the U.S. and around the world for college and work readiness with programming and resources for families, students and educators. Through up-to-date resources and innovative programming that address the entire student – as well as the family members and educators who make up their support teams, the College Success @ Perkins team is working to redefine what college readiness means in 2023 and beyond. There’s a lot to learn in their materials!
The College Readiness Resource Center is a robust set of articles, webinars and insight created and curated by the team at College Success @ Perkins to help students, families and educators plan and support skill development, and student independence, for college and work readiness. It’s complicated, and Perkins is working to provide resources.
“Compass is a nine-month virtual program for college-aspiring high school students with visual impairment – designed to help them proactively explore and develop a plan for building the critical academic and blindness skills they need to reach their post-secondary goals.
The program engages current research on adolescent development and learning to create an innovative, powerful enrichment program to challenge and support students, families and educators.
Through group work and individual coaching for the student and their educational team – including their family members and TVIs – Compass works to fill the often-overlooked gaps in college and career preparation.”
Compass is designed for students with post secondary plans, including college and work, grades 9-12, around the US and the world who want to learn how to prepare to meet this transition goal. Using a coaching model, and including the student, family and educator, Compass helps students and their “teams” with information, planning and a holistic, and critical look at the reality of their college readiness skills. Together, Compass helps students to gain greater understanding of their goals, and steps they need to take to achieve them. To learn more about Compass, or any programs by the College Success team, including professional development and presentations, reach out to
If you are interested in Compass for a student, applications are open for the Fall 2023 cohort.