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Activity and strategy

Mother’s Day Activity

These writing activities are a great way for students who are blind or visually impaired to honor Mother's Day!

My student will be making a Mother’s Day activity book. We’re going to do a page where she’ll describe her mother using the letters of the word as a word starter. Then she’ll do an alphabetized list of words that describe moms in general. She gets to choose one of the poems (also below) in the word document to braille…or create an original. If time permits, we’ll add more pages based on her wishes.

Here are two of the large print pages we used for the activity book:

Describe mom using the letters of the word as a word starter.

page with the letters M O T H E R as word starters

Things To Do With Mom activity page

Things to do with mom word bank activity

Mother’s Day Poems:

My Dear Mother

To one who bears
the sweetest name,
and adds luster
to the same, 
long life to her,
for there’s no other,
who takes the place
of my dear mother.

You cared for me,
When I was small.
You did your best
And gave me your all.
Now that I am bigger
This is forever true, 
Dearest Mother, 
I love you!

Mother's Day Activity Book
Volkswagen bug braille drawing

Volkswagen Beetle Braille Drawing

Two craft flowers
Activity and strategy

Planting Rainbows

Young son touching his mom's face next to him while outside.

Mother’s Day Ideas