Positive Eye provides educational consultancy and training for professionals working with children and young people with visual impairment in the school or early years setting in the UK and in other European countries.
Positive Eye supports practitioners to:
Positive Eye’s mission is to equip front line practitioners with the practical know how for: ‘what to do’, ‘how to do it’, and ‘what to do with it’.
Positive Eye offers a range of services:
Gwyn McCormack – Director of Positive Eye has created and developed the product range to respond specifically to the needs of professionals working with children and young people with visual impairment.
Products have been developed often as a result of requests from colleagues looking for a resource to address a particular area of need.
Products from Positive Eye
NEW Positive Eye to Go App is packed with ideas and information to help in the class room or at home.
The App is packed with ideas and information to help in the class room or at home.
• Provide a foundation and framework which can adapted and amended to suit individual needs of child or Service
• Are sold on CD and Hardcopy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PositiveEye
Website: https://positiveeye.co.uk/
Email: gwyn@positiveeye.co.uk