Hiking Our Way Through the ECC with a Multilingual Learner
Read how attending Outdoor School with 6th grade peers is an excellent opportunity to work on Expanded Core Curriculum Skills.
Read how attending Outdoor School with 6th grade peers is an excellent opportunity to work on Expanded Core Curriculum Skills.
RNIB shares a wonderful guide to outdoor play for children who are blind or visually impaired.
Create a sensory garden for your students with visual impairments to cultivate an inclusive learning environment in your classroom.
Starting a Professional Learning Network for Teachers of the Visually Impaired and Special Education Teachers.
Museum storykits use the same concept as storyboxes to make visits to museums and other cultural sites accessible to children who are blind or visually impaired.
Spring is a time of year that lends itself to exploring weather, gardening, the life cycle, and a host of learning opportunities and goals.
Children with visual impairments need to have real hands-on experience at the heart of their learning.
Create texture trays for students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities to encourage tactile exploration
Ideas to make “Bear Feels Sick” accessible to students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities
As a parent you are the captain of your child’s team. Get ready for back to school by preparing and communication.