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YouTube Learning Videos for Students with Visual Impairments

YouTube videos can be a valuable resource when looking for learning content for our students with visual impairments.

Screen shot of a YouTube video showing the number 6 with touch math concepts

As a TVI (Teacher of the Visually Impaired) I have been using YouTube for a few years now as a valuable resource when looking for learning content for myself as an educator or as a tool to use with my students.

Not All Videos Are Created Equal

It is important to note that anyone can post a video on YouTube. As the educator, carefully review the videos before presenting them. If you can’t find one that is a great fit, create it and share with others!

Video Links

Below are some learning videos that were created and may be appropriate for students with a visual impairment. As with all content and materials, evaluate individual needs to determine if it is right for that student.

Who Invented Braille? | COLOSSAL QUESTIONS

This a a 3-minute video that can be used to show students how braille was invented and is a good tool to use with classroom peers as well.

Hey Bear Sensory

The high contrast colors and music are a good fit for little ones.

Mister Teach

I found this channel with “Guess the Sound” videos, a fun brain break for all.

Jack Hartman Videos

A teacher of students with visual impairments creates videos with YouTube content creator Jack Hartman to include braille. Read more about it.

Alissa DeSousa

A mom who created CVI friendly videos for her son has shared them for all to enjoy.

Ms. Gabby TVI

A teacher of students with visual impairments has created videos for her students and shared them with us all.

YouTube Learning Videos for Students title with a screen shot of a video for students who have CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Vision Impairment).
Two girls in shadow sitting at sunset holding hands into a heart shape.

Meet February

Spooky picture of jack-o-lanterns, bats, owl, and a cat with the words, Happy Halloween

Halloween HaHa

Young boy holding a bumpy pumpkin outside surrounded by pumpkins

Pumpkin Themed Literacy Ideas