Braille is a vital part of many individuals’ lives. Braille provides access to the written word and allows one to share ideas with others. Reading stories about individuals who read braille may provide you with ideas for your own family.
Anna is a successful college student who learned braille in a rural community.
Haylee is a 3rd grader who uses both print and braille at home, school, and in the community.
- Dots for Families
- What I Shared with a Parent who Didn’t Know Where to Start
- Making Books Meaningful and Motivational
- Introduction to Braille Writing
- Portable Note Taking Devices
- Slate and Stylus
- Braille Embossers
- Braille Lessons in UEB
- How to Download and Use Perky Duck
- Families Learning Braille
- Technology for Children who are Visually Impaired
- Categories of Assistive Technology
- Selecting Computer Software
- Who’s Who in Braille
- The Story of Louis Braille
- Stories of Braille Users
- Anna’s Story
- Haylee’s Story
- An Update on Dots for Families and Stories of Braille Users
- Developing Children’s Braille and Literacy Skills
- Organizations and Companies