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Stories of Braille Users

Case studies and real stories of children who use braille

This entry is part 16 of 21 in the series Dots for Families
Series Navigation<< Previous: The Story of Louis BrailleNext: Anna’s Story >>

Braille is a vital part of many individuals’ lives.  Braille provides access to the written word and allows one to share ideas with others.  Reading stories about individuals who read braille may provide you with ideas for your own family.

Anna hanging over the rung of a ladder

Anna is a successful college student who learned braille in a rural community.

Haylee reading the braille on the elevator buttons.

Haylee is a 3rd grader who uses both print and braille at home, school, and in the community.

Two girls in shadow sitting at sunset holding hands into a heart shape.

Meet February

Braille airplane art design

Airplane Braille Art Drawing

young adults

Book Club – A Blind Guide to Normal