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ECC Monthly Challenge Introduction

Sara Borlie, from Maryland School for the Blind, shares with us a monthly break down of the ECC skills. Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) and families can participate in the monthly challenge.

Apples and oranges

What is ECC?

Expanded Core Curriculum is used to define concepts and skills that often require specialized instruction with students who are blind or visually impaired in order to compensate for decreased opportunities to learn incidentally by observing others, as explained by TSBVI. I have created videos for each area linked below.

A Moment of Outreach: The Expanded Core Curriculum.

Nine Areas of the ECC

I have created pages for all of the areas of the ECC as a monthly TVI Challenge. Each month I will send out a one pager with vocabulary, activities, and experiences for each teacher to use as a lesson and more. The first month is Orientation and Mobility.

In addition, I wanted to share the parent/at home calendar to go along with the TVI monthly challenge. I want to clarify that these pages aren’t single lesson plans, they are idea pages to get areas of the ECC infused into instruction, it may take more than a month to do everything on them and that is okay! It’s about having a way to direct your ECC instruction and time with your students.

If a TVI does any part of these monthly challenges, they will have covered every area of the ECC during the school year and that is a win!

Orientation and Mobility

Information in English and Spanish

Join in the challenge and win prizes. Visit the Maryland School for the Blind TVI Portal to more information and to enter.

A Moment of Outreach: Orientation & Mobility

At Home ECC September Challenge

ECC Monthly Challenges

Join in the fun while reaching goals!

ECC Monthly Challenge Introduction Pin
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Candy eyeball

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