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Lesson 1: Basic Shapes and Angles Used in Geometry

This lesson is designed to help teachers of students with visual impairments, paraprofessionals and others learn about basic shapes and angles used in geometry.

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By Tina HerzbergSara LarkinSusan Osterhaus, and Penny Rosenblum

If you are a print reader, before you watch the Lesson 1 video, we recommend you emboss the Lesson 1 Activities.brf file or print the Lesson 1 Activities.pdf file. If you are using Duxbury, before opening any BRF files in Duxbury, go into the Global menu. Select “Formatted Braille Importer” and then check the box for “Read formatted braille without interpretation” at the top of the window. This will ensure that nothing is changed when opening the BRF files.  We suggest you wait to access the Lesson 1 PPT.pdf file until after you watch the video.

On slides 6 and 9 in the video the “triangle” symbols are not showing. Please refer to the Power Point which is accurate. Also, in the video the answer key for Activity 1D on Slide 18 is not accurate. Please refer to the .brf or PDF file of the Activities which is accurate.

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