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Lesson 7: Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students

Lesson 7 for Nemeth in a Box

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series Project INSPIRE: Nemeth in a box for middle school students
Series Navigation<< Previous: Lesson 6: Nemeth in a Box for Middle School Students

By Tina HerzbergSara LarkinSusan Osterhaus, and Penny Rosenblum

Lesson 7 is set up differently than the previous six lessons. The Project INSPIRE team has developed two games to reinforce students’ learning of Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts. The student can play the games in either order.

What the Student Needs:

  • BINGO: The student needs to have an embossed copy of a BINGO card and Wikki Stixs or other tactile markers (e.g., pushpins if the card is placed on a corkboard). See additional options in the Facilitator Guide.
  • Jeopardy: The student needs an embossed copy of the Jeopardy Board.

What the Facilitator Needs:

The facilitator needs the Facilitator Guide for Lesson 7.

For BINGO the facilitator needs one of the lists below.

For Jeopardy the facilitator needs one of the following:

Questions, Comments, or Materials You Create:

If you have questions or comments, please email Dr. Tina Herzberg at The Project INSPIRE Team is happy to consider sharing materials you create that expand on the content in Lesson 7. Please send your materials to Dr. Herzberg for consideration.

Tips and guides

Transformations, Line Symmetry, and Tessellations

APH Braille Ruler
Tips and guides

Linear Measure, Perimeter, and Area

Geometric construction
Tips and guides

Geometric Constructions