Liamsmom, Sandy Gillam

My name is Sandy Gillam.  I am a wife and a mother of two boys.  My youngest, Finn, is 11 years old and has typical vision and hearing. My oldest, Liam, age 14, is deafblind. He loves all things braille! I have taught 10+ years in general education classrooms and am currently teaching my fifth year in special education as a TSVI (Teacher of Students with Vision Impairments).  Accessible literacy is a passion of mine. It is my belief that it is a basic right for all children to have access to literacy and access to the world they live in. I love to share, learn, create, participate in, and teach about accessible literacy for children with vision impairments and their families and the staff that work with them.  

Latest update: Sharing Our Accessibility Literacy Journey…Resumed

Activities to Try at Home


Kitchen and Shopping

Assistive Technology


Calendars and Organization

Christmas Ideas

Craft Projects and Other Holidays

Creating and Adapting Books

Early Childhood



Language and Communication

Math Ideas



Spanish Translations of Articles

Story Boxes, Story Board, and Story Bags

Tips for TVIs
